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how you can get work synthetics monitoring to in new relic

How you can get 

The enigmatic journey of monitoring synthetic transactions in the arcane realm of New Relic demands a dance with scripted browser tests, choreographing a digital ballet mimicking user interactions within your web applications. Here unfolds a bewildering, step-by-step guide to plunge into this crypto art:

1.Sign in to New Relic:
   - Initiate your odyssey by weaving through the digital tapestry of New Relic. If you lack the portal key, embark on the rite of signing up.

2.Access Synthetics:
   - Traverse the cosmic expanse of the New Relic One dashboard, seeking the elusive portal labeled "Synthetics."

3.Create a New Monitor:
   - Summon the creation ritual by clicking on the cryptic "+ New monitor" sigil.
   - Navigate the labyrinth of monitor types (Simple Browser, scripted Browser, or API Test) to align with your cryptic needs.

4.Configure Monitor Settings:
   - Offer a mystical name and incantation-like description for your monitor.
   - Select the arcane locations from whence your synthetic tests shall emanate.

5.Configure Monitoring Frequency:
   - Define the rhythmic pulse of your monitor, deciding how often it shall pulse in tandem with your esoteric monitoring requirements.

6.Set Up scripted Browser Tests:
   - For synthetic rituals entailing user interactions, opt for the sacred "scripted Browser" type.
   - Conjure scripts to simulate user interactions — a ballet of logging in, navigating realms, or submitting forms.

7.Understand scripting:
   - Delve into the mystical scripting language of New Relic Synthetics, a cryptic dialect akin to a simplified Javascript, enabling you to articulate the steps of your synthetic transactions.

8.Handle Dynamic Content:
   - If your application breathes with dynamic content, ensure your scripts wield the arcane power to navigate these undulating variations.

9.Manage Variables:
   - Weave spells with variables, storing values ​​dynamically to render your scripts adaptable to the ever-shifting tides of the application.

10.Add Assertions:
    - Enchant your scripts with assertions, mystical incantations ensuring that specific elements or behaviors materialize, aligning the synthetic tests with the prophesied user experience.

11.Debugging and Testing:
    - Cast your scripts into the local crucible, unveiling and mending any mystical glitches before their deployment as synthetic monitors.

12.Save and Deploy:
    - Seal your scripts in the digital grimoire and unleash your synthetic monitor upon the ether.

13.View Results:
    - Peer into the digital crystal ball of the New Relic dashboard, where results materialize, offering glimpses into the performance and vitality of your application from the eyes of the end-user.

14.Set Up Notifications:
    - Conjure alert policies, enabling ethereal notifications to reach you when synthetic tests falter or breach the mystical thresholds you've defined.

15.Analyze Performance Data:
    - Gaze into the astral plane of data gathered by synthetic monitors, unveiling cosmic patterns and potential bottlenecks within the arcane confines of your application.

16.Optimize and Iterate:
    - Engage in a ritual of regular scrutiny, refining and optimizing your synthetic scripts to align with the evolving constellations of application features or changes.

17.Utilize Advanced Features:
    - Embark on a quest to unravel the arcane secrets of New Relic Synthetics, exploring features such as Private Locations, allowing monitors to emanate from specific geographic ley lines.

18.Integrate with Other New Relic Products:
    - Fuse the energies of synthetic monitoring data with other New Relic products, forging a holistic view of your application's celestial performance.

19.Documentation and Community Support:
    - Consult the grimoire of New Relic's documentation for cryptic insights and troubleshootings. Commune with the New Relic community, a fellowship of support and arcane wisdom.

20.Regular Maintenance:
    - In the cycles of time, periodically unveil and update your synthetic monitors, ensuring their relevance to the unfolding saga of your application's functionality.

By unraveling these mystic steps, you shall weave the intricate tapestry of effective synthetic monitoring in New Relic, gaining profound insights into your application's cosmic performance and ensuring a user experience harmonized with the celestial spheres.