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How you can skin care Full guideline

How You can skin Care

 The labyrinth of skincare intricacies, a journey through the convoluted realm of epidermal enlightenment!

Dermatological Odyssey 101: A Meticulously Elaborate Expedition into the Pinnacle of Epidermal Well-Being


Behold, for the resplendence of your visage transcends mere aesthetics; it is a mirror reflecting the symphony of your holistic vitality. Immerse yourself in the arcane arts of skincare, an indispensable ritual orchestrating the preservation and enhancement of your skin's vitality. This narrative shall unravel the cryptic doctrines guiding an efficacious skincare odyssey that promises to endow your dermal canvas with an ethereal luminosity.

Decoding Your Dermis Dialect:

Before embarking on the enigmatic skincare pilgrimage, one must unravel the esoteric lexicon of their dermal constitution. Oily, dry, combination, or sensitive—a lexicon of skin dialects awaits elucidation. Deciphering this dialectic intricacy empowers one to tailor the forthcoming ritual to address the idiosyncratic concerns encoded within the epidermal cipher.

1.Purification Ritual:

Initiate the sacred skincare rite with the purifying elixir—an elixir endowed with the power to banish detritus, oils, and the vestiges of cosmetic alchemy. Engage in this purifying ritual twice daily, crafting a pristine canvas for subsequent elixirs. For the acolytes of oily skin, a gel-based potion is the elixir of choice, while the parched pilgrims may find solace in the embrace of a hydrating cream sacrament.

2. Exfoliation Esoterica:

Delve into the esoteric art of exfoliation—a ritual designed to expunge the spectral remnants of expired skin, exorcise occluded pores, and beckon the spectral dance of cellular metamorphosis. Partake in the alchemical concoction of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids ( BHAs) bi-weekly, invoking the arcane forces that unveil a visage resplendent with silkiness and luminosity.

3. Tonic Harmonics:

Harmonize the skin's ethereal pH with tonics, elixirs tuned to orchestrate the prelude for subsequent invocations. Select a tonic attuned to the skin's supplications—hydrating ballads for the dermal deserts, astringent hymns for the oily sanctuaries. Eschew tonics anointed with the spirits of alcohol, lest they usher in desiccation.

4. Serums: Alchemical Elixirs of Potency:

Enter the sanctum of serums, potent elixirs crafted to transmute specific concerns into ethereal whispers. Apply serums infused with the essence of vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, or retinol—anointing the epidermis before the sacred moisturization ritual.

5.Moisturization Ceremonies:

Immerse the skin in the sacred waters of moisturization—a rite paramount for all visages, even those that glisten with the vestiges of oils. Anoint thyself with a diurnal elixir, a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Under the celestial canopy, indulge in a nocturnal opulence, a richer balm to cradle the skin in its nocturnal regeneration.

6. Solar Sanctum:

Shield thy sacred visage from the celestial ember, the most potent sorcerer of aging. Bedeck the skin with a broad-spectrum solar ward, anointing it with an SPF talisman of at least 30 each dawn, even when the celestial tapestry weaves clouds. Thus, shalt thou guard against the premature aging wrought by the malevolent UV specters.

7. Ocular Enigma:

The ocular sanctum, veiled in delicacy, demands meticulous attention. Employ the arcane wisdom contained within an eye elixir to dispel the shadows of dark circles or the ephemeral puffiness. Employ the ring finger's gentle caress, lest the pressures of excess disrupt the ocular serenity.

Arcane Skincare Chronicles:

1. Masks and Alchemical Treatises:

Incorporate weekly masquerades and treatments, personalized to the skin's sacred codex. Clay masks, sculptors of oil, dance upon the visage, while hydrating masks bestow a nectarous dew. Invoke the spirits of sheet masks or nocturnal masquerades to address bespoke concerns.

2.Retinol Conjuration:

Contemplate the integration of retinol—an elixir revered for its age-defying enigma. Commence with a modest concentration, an initiation to traverse the alchemical labyrinth without awakening the specter of irritation. Employ retinol in the eve, and with the dawn, shield thyself with the solar ward.

3. Hydration Alchemy:

Recall, the sanctity of skincare extends beyond external potions. Imbibe the elixir of hydration, the aqueous nectar that sustains the skin's hymn. Partake in the feast of a well-balanced diet, a banquet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals—a symphony resonating with the skin's vitality.

4. The Riddles of Lifestyle:

Navigate the labyrinth of stress with the meditative dances of yoga and contemplation. Bequeath thyself the ambrosial gift of sleep, for it is during the nocturnal repose that the corporeal sanctum undergoes rejuvenation, skin included. Eschew the tendrils of smoke and limit the intoxicating libations, for they bear the potential to tarnish the sanctified epidermal tapestry.


In the tapestry of skincare, a consistent and bespoke ritual emerges as the metaphysical key to unveiling the splendors of a dermal utopia. Grasp the essence of thy skin's dialect, choose elixirs with sagacity, and cultivate patience—a virtue as essential as the ritual itself Marry the external alchemy with the internal hymns of well-being, forging a holistic communion with the dermal sanctum that emanates a resplendent aura from within.

how you can get work synthetics monitoring to in new relic

How you can get 

The enigmatic journey of monitoring synthetic transactions in the arcane realm of New Relic demands a dance with scripted browser tests, choreographing a digital ballet mimicking user interactions within your web applications. Here unfolds a bewildering, step-by-step guide to plunge into this crypto art:

1.Sign in to New Relic:
   - Initiate your odyssey by weaving through the digital tapestry of New Relic. If you lack the portal key, embark on the rite of signing up.

2.Access Synthetics:
   - Traverse the cosmic expanse of the New Relic One dashboard, seeking the elusive portal labeled "Synthetics."

3.Create a New Monitor:
   - Summon the creation ritual by clicking on the cryptic "+ New monitor" sigil.
   - Navigate the labyrinth of monitor types (Simple Browser, scripted Browser, or API Test) to align with your cryptic needs.

4.Configure Monitor Settings:
   - Offer a mystical name and incantation-like description for your monitor.
   - Select the arcane locations from whence your synthetic tests shall emanate.

5.Configure Monitoring Frequency:
   - Define the rhythmic pulse of your monitor, deciding how often it shall pulse in tandem with your esoteric monitoring requirements.

6.Set Up scripted Browser Tests:
   - For synthetic rituals entailing user interactions, opt for the sacred "scripted Browser" type.
   - Conjure scripts to simulate user interactions — a ballet of logging in, navigating realms, or submitting forms.

7.Understand scripting:
   - Delve into the mystical scripting language of New Relic Synthetics, a cryptic dialect akin to a simplified Javascript, enabling you to articulate the steps of your synthetic transactions.

8.Handle Dynamic Content:
   - If your application breathes with dynamic content, ensure your scripts wield the arcane power to navigate these undulating variations.

9.Manage Variables:
   - Weave spells with variables, storing values ​​dynamically to render your scripts adaptable to the ever-shifting tides of the application.

10.Add Assertions:
    - Enchant your scripts with assertions, mystical incantations ensuring that specific elements or behaviors materialize, aligning the synthetic tests with the prophesied user experience.

11.Debugging and Testing:
    - Cast your scripts into the local crucible, unveiling and mending any mystical glitches before their deployment as synthetic monitors.

12.Save and Deploy:
    - Seal your scripts in the digital grimoire and unleash your synthetic monitor upon the ether.

13.View Results:
    - Peer into the digital crystal ball of the New Relic dashboard, where results materialize, offering glimpses into the performance and vitality of your application from the eyes of the end-user.

14.Set Up Notifications:
    - Conjure alert policies, enabling ethereal notifications to reach you when synthetic tests falter or breach the mystical thresholds you've defined.

15.Analyze Performance Data:
    - Gaze into the astral plane of data gathered by synthetic monitors, unveiling cosmic patterns and potential bottlenecks within the arcane confines of your application.

16.Optimize and Iterate:
    - Engage in a ritual of regular scrutiny, refining and optimizing your synthetic scripts to align with the evolving constellations of application features or changes.

17.Utilize Advanced Features:
    - Embark on a quest to unravel the arcane secrets of New Relic Synthetics, exploring features such as Private Locations, allowing monitors to emanate from specific geographic ley lines.

18.Integrate with Other New Relic Products:
    - Fuse the energies of synthetic monitoring data with other New Relic products, forging a holistic view of your application's celestial performance.

19.Documentation and Community Support:
    - Consult the grimoire of New Relic's documentation for cryptic insights and troubleshootings. Commune with the New Relic community, a fellowship of support and arcane wisdom.

20.Regular Maintenance:
    - In the cycles of time, periodically unveil and update your synthetic monitors, ensuring their relevance to the unfolding saga of your application's functionality.

By unraveling these mystic steps, you shall weave the intricate tapestry of effective synthetic monitoring in New Relic, gaining profound insights into your application's cosmic performance and ensuring a user experience harmonized with the celestial spheres.

Top 10 Halal Food in Japan

What is halal Food
Halal cuisine, deeply entwined with the intricate fabric of Islamic dietary laws, finds its roots in the meticulous guidance set forth by the Quran. "Halal," a linguistic beacon signifying permissibility in Arabic, weaves a complex tapestry of principles dictating not only acceptable ingredients but also the ethical labyrinth of food preparation for adherents of Islam. The heartbeat of halal consumption reverberates in the meticulous orchestration of sourcing and the ceremonious slaughter of animals, employing the Zabiha method—an invocation of Allah's name—for a process that marries swiftness with humanity, placing paramount importance on the well-being of the sacrificed creature.

The spectrum of halal dietary restrictions extends beyond a mere prohibition list, enveloping the avoidance of such gastronomic taboos as pork, alcohol, and the elusive non-halal gelatin. Amid this culinary maze, the sanctity of cleanliness, purity, and an ardent aversion to cross-contamination becomes the navigational compass for practitioners of the halal culinary arts.

In this labyrinth of gastronomy, even the seas are navigated with a discerning eye, with seafood granted a general nod of permissibility under the watchful gaze of specific guidelines. The ethical saga of animals doesn't conclude with slaughter; instead, it unfolds as a lifelong narrative, embodying the holistic ethos of halal principles.

A certification imprimatur from esteemed halal bodies introduces an additional layer of assurance, a metaphorical guardian angel for consumers navigating the nebulous realm of food choices. Beyond the religious ritual, halal fare metamorphoses into a lifestyle manifesto—a deliberate embodiment of values ​​synonymous with compassion, immaculateness, and unwavering allegiance to the tenets of Islamic teachings.

As the drumbeat of global consciousness reverberates, industries, akin to agile chameleons, adapt to harmonize with the diverse dietary symphony of an expanding Muslim demographic. Halal options, once confined to specific niches, now echo ubiquitously, resonating with the discerning palates of a worldwide audience.

Japan Top halal Food:

JapanNagoya:d for its culinary prowess, may not immediately pop into the minds of fervent halal food enthusiasts. Yet, lo and behold, the Land of the Rising Sun has undertaken a remarkable odyssey in tailoring its gastronomic landscape to cater to a smorgasbord of dietary inclinations, including the meticulous realm of halal options. Let us embark on a convoluted journey through the labyrinth of Japan's halal culinary tapestry, where tradition meets the conscientious pa

1.Sushi Zanmai, Tokyo: 
   - Nestled in the pulsating core of Tokyo, Sushi Zanmai emerges as an unsuspecting sanctuary for those enraptured by halal sushi. This venerable sushi institution boasts with pride a cornucopia of halal sushi options, a meticulous dance of flavors allowing patrons to revel in the quintessence of Japanese culinary art without transgressing their dietary boundaries.

2.Gyumon, Shibuya:
   - For the connoisseurs yearning for halal-friendly grilled meat epiphanies, Gyumon in Shibuya beckons. Celebrated for its snug ambiance and an eclectic menu attuned to halal prerequisites, Gyumon tantalizes discerning palates with succulent grilled meats and an assorted array of side dishes, fashioning an enchanting sojourn for the halal cognoscenti.

3.Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA, Osaka:
   - Ascending the gastronomic peaks of Osaka, Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA reigns supreme, specializing in the hallowed domain of halal-certified Wagyu beef. A celestial haven for those yearning to immerse themselves in the nuanced symphony of Japanese Wagyu while tethered to the rigorous tenets of halal gastronomy.

4.Gyohan, Kyoto:
   - Entrenched in the storied embrace of Kyoto, Gyohan emerges as an oasis for vegetarians with a penchant for halal gastronomy. Here, amid the cultural bosom of Kyoto, patrons can luxuriate in a sensory symphony, savoring meticulously crafted dishes that harmonize with an expansive spectrum of dietary predirections.

5.Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA, Kyoto:
   - Sailing on the triumphs of its Osaka kin, Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA unfurls its halal Wagyu allure in the rich tapestry of Kyoto. Here, visitors partake in an opulent experience, indulging in the apex of beef quality sanctified by halal standards, weaving indelible memories within the cultural cocoon of Kyoto.

6.Sekai Cafe, Tokyo:
   - Tokyo's cosmopolitan heartbeat pulsates warmly for Sekai Cafe, anointed with the halal imprimatur, beckoning diners on a labyrinthine journey through a menu spanning Japanese classics to international opulence. A kaleidoscopic expedition, inviting the halal-conscious to traverse the culinary crossroads in the heart of Tokyo.

7.Musafir, Kyoto:
   - At the culinary crossroads of Japanese and Indian fusion, Musafir takes center stage in Kyoto. A harmonious unfoldfusions, seamlessly weaving the opulence of Japanese gastronomy with the vibrant cadence of Indian spices, all under the meticulous gaze of halal standards.

8.Sumiyakiya Halal, Kyoto:
   - Revered for its mastery in charcoal alchemy, Sumiyakiya Halal emerges as a hidden gem in Kyoto's gastronomic constellation. The commitment to halal practices ensures patrons relish the beguiling smokiness of charcoal-grilled dishes, a gastronomic escapade uncompromising on dietary preferences.

9.Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA, Tokyo:
   - Extending its halal dominion to the dynamic pulse of Tokyo, Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA weaves yet another chapter for discerning diners. Tokyo's diverse culinary panorama now boasts a premium halal option, inviting patrons into a realm where the city's vibrancy converges with the exquisite taste of Halal Wagyu.

10.Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA, Nagoya:
    - Concluding our labyrinthine quest is Halal Wagyu Yakiniku PANGA in Nagoya, an integral part of the mosaic propagating halal Wagyu encounters across Japan. In Nagoya, the tradition of presenting high-quality, halal-certified Wagyu beef perpetuates, promising a truly indulgent gastronomic odyssey .

In denouement, Japan's culinary metamorphosis unfolds, a spectacle accommodating a melange of dietary proclivities, including the nuanced world of halal options. From Tokyo's effervescent thoroughfares to Kyoto's hallowed corridors, these top 10 halal epicurean havens elucidate Japan's unwavering commitment to offering a diverse and all -encompassing gastronomic voyage for global sojourners. Sushi, grilled meats, or Wagyu beef — a kaleidoscopic fusion of authentic Japanese essences and halal-friendly nuances awaits, imploring the halal-conscious voyagers to imbibe the zenith of Japan's culinary treasures.